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Уральский институт Государственной противопожарной службы МЧС России

Aims and Scope

The publication is intended to unite the efforts of scientists and specialists in the field of integrated security, to cover the results of research and testing in the field of technosphere safety and protection in emergency situations.

The main purpose of the journal "Technosphere safety" is to inform the scientific community, as well as University teachers and students, about the latest results of research conducted by Russian and foreign scientists in the field of complex security.

The scientific concept of the publication involves the publication of modern achievements in the field of fire and industrial safety, as well as in the field of safety in emergency situations, including theoretical and practical work of a wide range of problems faced by surveyors in their work.

The main objectives of the journal are:

– interaction between Russian and foreign specialists working in scientific organizations of different departments;

– development of interaction between academic and University science;

– integration of multidisciplinary approach to security;

– informing readers about theoretical and practical research in the field of technosphere safety.