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For authors

“Technosphere Safety” publishes articles and reviews containing the results of scientific theoretical and experimental studies related to the issues of fire safety and safety in emergency situations.

The editorial board asks the authors to follow the rules set out below when preparing the manuscript.

  1. Structure of the article

The material of the article should be presented in the following order.

1.1. The name of the category in accordance with the rubricator

1.2. UDC number (universal decimal classification)

1.3. Title of the article (in Russian and English)

1.4. Information about the authors (in Russian and English).

1.4.1. Full names, patronymics and surnames of all authors.

1.4.2. Academic degrees, titles.

1.4.3. The name of the organization, its division, where the author works or studies (without the designation of the organizational and legal form of the legal entity: FGBUN, FGBOU VO, PAO, JSC, etc.)

1.4.4. The address of the organization where the author works or studies, indicating the city and country.

1.4.5. The email address of the author responsible for the correspondence.

1.4.6. Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), Researcher ID, Author ID (E-library, Scopus).

1.4.7. The number of authors should not exceed 4 people.

1.5. Abstract (in Russian and English) at least 150 words: the abstract should not repeat the text of the article itself (you can not take sentences from the article and transfer them to the abstract), as well as its title. It should not contain numbers, tables, in-text footnotes, etc.

1.6. Keywords (in Russian and English) at least 5: keywords should be informative, it is unacceptable to use general terms as keywords (for example, problem, solution, etc.) that are not a specific characteristic of the publication. The words and terms used in the title do not need to be repeated as keywords, keywords should complement the information in the title. They don't put a point after the keywords.

1.7. The text of the article (at least three pages), in rtf, doc formats. Font – Times New Roman, 12 size, formulas — in Microsoft Equation or MathType. The line spacing is single. The letter spacing is normal. Text alignment – by width.

The main text of the article should contain clear, logically interrelated sections. All sections should begin with the following headings, highlighted in bold. The following sections are traditional for a scientific article:


materials and methods (methodology) — for a scientific and empirical article;

theoretical foundations (theory and calculations) — for a scientific and theoretical article;

results and their discussion;

conclusion (conclusions).

The editorial board also allows for a different structure due to the specifics of a particular article (analytical (review), discussion, etc.), provided that the following sections are clearly distinguished:


the main (analytical) part;

conclusion (conclusions).

The quoted text from other publications should be taken in quotation marks, while it is necessary to give a link to the original source and include it in the list of references. Tables, formulas, figures, methods, numerical data (with the exception of well-known quantities) published earlier should also be accompanied by references to the original source.

1.8. The list of sources is drawn up according to GOST R 7.0.5 – 2008 in the form of a general list in the order of mention in the article. For a scientific article, the list of references is 5-15 sources, for a review article – up to 20. The list of sources should consist of at least 50% of modern (not older than 10 years) scientific publications. The list of references should contain no more than 30 % of the sources authored or co-authored by the author of the article. It is not allowed to use textbooks, practicums, company websites, etc. in the list of references. The optimal level of citation and self–citation of the author is no higher than 20 % of the list of sources used.

At least half of the sources should be included in one of the leading citation indexes: Russian Scientific Citation Index eLibrary, Web of Science, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, MathSciNet, Springer, etc. If there is a digital object identifier (DOI), it must be specified, which will uniquely identify the object in databases. If the article is registered in the RSCI, then the EDN (eLibrary Document Number) code must be specified in the format https://www.elibrary.ru/ХХХХХХ (for example, https://www.elibrary.ru/yluwhf ).

1.9. References (reference lists of literature in Latin and English). It is unacceptable to present only transliterated (without translation) descriptions in References. Please note that the translation of the titles of the articles should be given as it was when they were published, and the translation of the titles of the journals should be officially accepted.

When drawing up References, it is necessary to follow the scheme:

Authors' IOF (transliteration)

title in English — for the article, transliteration and translation of the title — for the book;

the name of the source (journal, collection of articles, conference materials, etc.) in transliteration and in English (italics, slashes);

output data;

an indication of the language of presentation of the material in parentheses (for example, (rus)).

  1. Design of manuscripts

The volume of the manuscript should not exceed 20 pages for review theoretical and discussion articles and 15 pages for other materials, including tables, illustrations, references.

The language of publications is Russian or English. The editorial board does not translate Russian-language articles, the authors translate independently.

In-text references to the works included in the list of references are given in square brackets with the indication of the source number in the list. The hyphen should be different from the dash. Dashes and quotation marks should be the same throughout the text. Styles are not allowed, columns are not set. Breaks between paragraphs are not allowed.

Graphic objects (photographs, illustrations, graphs) included in the text of the article should be duplicated in jpg format. Expansion – at least 300 dpi. The color scheme of graphic objects should be in grayscale or in neutral tones, the use of bright colors is prohibited. The maximum number of graphic objects is 7, in exceptional cases – in agreement with the Editors.

Formulas and letter designations should be clear and precise. All letter designations included in the formulas must be deciphered with the indication of units of measurement.

All illustrations must be numbered end-to-end. Tables should be compiled concisely and contain only the necessary information; tables of the same type should be constructed in the same way. Digital data must be rounded according to the accuracy of the experiment. The information in the tables and figures should not be repeated. References to all tables in the text are mandatory.

The journal provides for a bilingual presentation of tabular and graphic material, therefore it is necessary to send an English translation:

for the table: its title, header, sidewall, text in all lines, footnotes and notes;

for the drawing: the caption and all text labels on the drawing itself;

for the scheme: the captions to it and the entire content of the scheme itself.

  1. Review

All submitted materials are checked through the automatic text verification system for the presence of borrowings "Antiplagiat". The uniqueness of the text must be at least 80%. Verification of the originality of the text of the article is carried out by the Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Technosphere Safety", other sources of confirmation of the originality of the text are not accepted. The maximum number of Anti-Plagiarism checks of an article is no more than two times.

All submitted materials are re-reviewed by specialists from among the members of the editorial board and are published only after receiving a positive review from reviewers. Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board may not be published earlier in other publications (publishers) or simultaneously sent to other publications (publishers) for publication.

Materials from graduate students and applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences are accepted for consideration if there is a signed review recommending the publication of the material, either in co-authorship with the supervisor of the work or in co-authorship with the candidate (doctor) of sciences.

The editorial board reserves the right to reduce the volume of the material and its literary editing, as well as to refuse publication if the article does not correspond to the profile of the journal or has a poor quality of presentation of the material.

  1. Communication with the editorial office

Additional information can be obtained by e-mail: tehnosfernayabesopasnost@mail.ru (for materials). We would like to draw the authors' attention to the fact that the correspondence by this e-mail is official. Within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the manuscript, the Editorial Board confirms its receipt. If no response is received, it is recommended to duplicate the letter.

  1. Publication of articles

The publication of articles is carried out in the order of priority of receipt to the editorial office.

Articles that are not submitted in full will not be accepted for consideration.

In case of receiving comments during the review of the article, the authors must provide a revised version of the text within a period of no more than one month with mandatory highlighting of the changes made, as well as separately prepare specific answers-comments to all the questions and comments of the reviewer.

An untimely, as well as inadequate response to the comments of reviewers and scientific editors leads to a delay in publication until these shortcomings are corrected.

If the comments of reviewers and scientific editors are ignored, the manuscript is removed from further consideration.

The authors provide:

  • the text of the article
  • license agreement on the grant of the right to use the work and metadata free of charge (sent to the authors after acceptance of the article for publication).
  • graphic objects (if any) in accordance with the requirements specified above.

Articles not accepted for publication are not returned to the author. The editorial board's request to rework the material does not mean that it has been accepted for publication.

The editorial board reserves the right to assume that the authors who submitted the manuscript for publication in the “Technosphere Safety” journal agree with the terms of publication or rejection of the manuscript, as well as with the rules of its registration.

Example of article design